How to & General Discussion
Assuming you have already created and saved/sent an order, do the followig to edit that order:
1. Select your past orders and find the previous order you want to edit
2. Select the order you want to edit. click anywhere on the order bar except the forward/send button
This button will give you the option to send the sales order/barcode again. This is useful if the order did not go through the first time or the customer wants you to try another email or mobile number.
3. Select 'edit' from the fly out options
4. Now you can search for new articles and add them to the order OR remove items from the order.
Type an article number or name in the search window. You can add the article to the cart using any of the blue 'add to cart' icons.
4b. To remove items from the order:
You can 'minus' the item to remove or select Edit shopping bag (top right of the articles list)
this will allow you to :
• Add group,
• Add text line,
• Delete,
• Copy,
• Cut,
• Paste,
• Save as draft,
• Select items out of stock
5. Save or send the revised order
It's counter intuitive, but you need to click the X (close) button to save your changes.
You can send the revised order to the customer but this does not 'SAVE' the order. The customer will get an updated order but the order is not actually saved. The order will stay live in your browser until you chose to cancel the order or click the X button.
The prompt is self explanatory: select 'yes' to save the order. The order is saved. You can resend or carry on with a new order.